NutrientStar solves this problem. When you tell suppliers to use fertilizer more efficiently, you can recommend they use NutrientStar-reviewed tools – not only to guide farmers’ fertilizer use and so ensure a reliable supply of more sustainably grown crops, but also to provide the proof you need that you’re achieving corporate sustainability goals.
Tool Finder
- Talk to the NutrientStar team about how to interpret results of the reviews, so you know which tools can benefit your company.
- Advise your suppliers to use NutrientStar-reviewed tools so the fertilizer efficiency goals are understood.
- Tell suppliers you expect them to verify their progress by using those same tools.
If your tool is designed to boost nutrient use efficiency, submit it to NutrientStar for assessment. NutrientStar review and sharing of performance data assures your potential customers (and competitors) that your tool works as advertised. You’ll position yourself as a leader in the market as more and more farmers begin to use your tool and realize its benefits.
Submitting your tool starts the review process, which can be collaborative and iterative: the NutrientStar team will work with you throughout the process and suggest ways to obtain additional data needed to complete the evaluation. You can submit a tool at any point in its development, and before or after you have published data from your own product testing. When you engage us earlier in development, our review panel can give you valuable feedback for increasing your tool’s effectiveness going forward.
NutrientStar standards (PDF)
NutrientStar assessment form (PDF)
- Watch the video — farmers share why independent review is important to them.
- Read the NutrientStar standards and protocols.
- Discuss your company’s opportunities with the NutrientStar team.
- Submit your tool or product to NutrientStar.
- Once it’s reviewed, tell your potential customers you participated in the NutrientStar program and gain their confidence.
NutrientStar does the research for you. The experts on our independent review panel examine how well each tool performs in production scale field trials by measuring nutrient use efficiency before and after the tool is implemented. We have developed replicated strip trial protocol that closely mirrors established university guidelines, and we examine data in the context of weather conditions for that season. Plus, we assess tools based on geographic region, so you’ll know which tools perform the best in your area, for your customers.
They’ll profit with highly effective tools. You’ll profit by growing your position as a trusted adviser.
NutrientStar standards (PDF)
Tool Finder
NutrientStar assessment form (PDF)
- Review the NutrientStar standards and protocols to get familiar with the review process.
- Learn which tools on the market have already been reviewed by NutrientStar or are in the process of review.
- Start recommending high-performing NutrientStar-reviewed tools to farmers.
NutrientStar exists to help you find the right nutrient management tool or product for your farm, the one that will help you apply fertilizer in the most efficient way possible to maximize its results and lower your input costs, all while protecting the water, air and soil that together make up the land you call home.
NutrientStar does the trial and error for you. We use a science-based, proven process to measure just how well nutrient management tools do their jobs and determine the circumstances where they perform best. When you see the results for a tool or product on the NutrientStar website, you’ll know what benefits that tool or product can potentially deliver.
Tool Finder
- Request high-performing NutrientStar-reviewed tools from your local crop adviser or ag service provider.
- Use high-performing NutrientStar-reviewed tools with confidence and see the difference in your bottom line and the health of your land.