NutrientStar Resources

While virtually all of the products and tools reviewed by NutrientStar contribute to the general goals of reducing the waste, cost, and environmental effects of fertilizer application, they often contribute to these goals in different ways. Here you will find descriptions of three categories of products and tools reviewed by NutrientStar.

Learn about the fertilizer sources, purposes and goals, and mechanisms about reviewed products. Find out more.

In defining the minimum parameters for data that would be adequate for assessing NUE products and technologies, the NutrientStar Review Panel imposed three requirements. Learn what they are.

The primary goal of the NutrientStar Program is to encourage evidence-based decisions regarding fertilizer choice, application, and management. Learn more.

Much of the research referenced here on the NutrientStar website was completed on small-plot trials Learn more of the details.

The NutrientStar team executed on-farm field trials to test performance of the Adapt-N and Climate Corporation Fieldview Nutrient Management Tool. Click here for a detailed description of the protocol used for the field trials. Learn more of the details.