Adapt-N is an online software program that integrates 13 models — including local weather, soil, and crop models — to provide nitrogen planning, “what if” scenario tools, in-season whole field and variable rate nitrogen recommendations, and ways for agronomists to determine the economic and agronomic impact of field management decisions like nitrogen stabilizers, rates, and application timing. Nitrogen rates for individual fields or areas within fields are estimated based on calculated N deficit or supply.
Adapt-N was developed by Cornell University, and is operated by Agronomic Technology Corp (ATC). Norwegian fertilizer company Yara acquired ATC and the Adapt-N products in November 2017.
As of 2016, Adapt-N was available in 35 states.
The map below shows trial locations for corn. The trial locations have been superimposed over the Technology Extrapolation Domains (TED) Framework. The TED Framework is described further on the Adapt-N and TED Framework page.

- An accurate yield goal estimate is essential for effective nitrogen recommendations from Adapt-N.
- Soil organic matter content influences nitrogen recommendations by Adapt-N; It is a good idea to evaluate how your input of soil organic matter content changes sidedress nitrogen recommendations.
- Adapt-N’s ability to easily provide nitrogen recommendations for different scenarios is a great way to learn about nitrogen losses and gains in a field. For example, obtaining sidedress nitrogen recommendations for 2.8% organic matter vs 3.5% organic matter, or recommendations for the V8 stage of growth when you sidedressed at the V2 stage of growth.
Trials conducted in New York and Iowa (2011-2014), Indiana (2016) and North Carolina (2017) showed a positive return to nitrogen and positive yields overall for Adapt-N when compared with farmer normal practice. Field-scale trials conducted in North Carolina (2015-2016) and on NutrientStar test plots (2015-2017), however, while demonstrating an overall positive NUE, showed an average return to nitrogen of $-23/acre (averaged across all trial locations/years).

To read our detailed Helpful Hints for Adapt-N click here.
To see if Adapt-N trial locations are relevant to your operation, visit the Adapt-N and TED Framework page.
To learn more about the Adapt-N research trial protocol, individual trial results, and methods of assessment, as well as required model inputs, history, and research references, please visit the Adapt-N Research Findings page.